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Keep Your Candle Lit

Welcome to the Keep Your Candle Lit podcast! 

by Coachucation™ with Suzie

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, & Spotify

Keep your candle lit, and let your light shine!

Sep 12, 2022

How does mindset impact burnout prevention?

Suzie sheds some light on the change in the show moving forward.

“Think about it: It’s like A Guide to Mindset A-Z!”

Resources referenced:

Check out Suzie’s book Because…You Matter

Suzie’s website

The Keep Your Candle Lit podcast is available on Apple...

Aug 21, 2022

How can we better support those with a substance abuse disorder? What role does self-care play in advocacy and recovery?

Suzie & Bill explore misconceptions and education about substance abuse disorder. Bill shares insight about his own path to recovery and advocacy as well as cautions for those in helping professions-...

Aug 12, 2022

What are boundaries? How are boundaries different from expectations?

Suzie sheds some light on how to set boundaries for yourself. She provides insight on the “possibility” of expressing expectations for others.

“You can’t say someone crossed your boundaries if you yourself did not hold them.”


Jul 17, 2022

How does self-care positively impact you and those around you? What is passion and how does it translate to different facets of your life?

Suzie & Whitney explore redefining what it means to be successful during a pandemic and putting relationships & mental wellness first. Whitney shares her hair journey and evolution...

Aug 15, 2021

What is your default when overwhelmed? How can establishing one habit get you out of the stuck?

Suzie sheds some light on habits versus goals. She provides insight on allowing yourself to simply select one habit to work on versus doing “All The Things.”

“Embrace the almost there mentality.”
