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Keep Your Candle Lit

Welcome to the Keep Your Candle Lit podcast! 

by Coachucation™ with Suzie

Listen on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, & Spotify

Keep your candle lit, and let your light shine!

Jul 29, 2020

What are drum circles and what benefits can drumming bring into your life? How do you define success?

Suzie & Maureen explore virtual drum circles as well as uncovering paths to your purpose.  Maureen shares the variety of people that she drums with, the reasons people drum, and how her drumming path unfolded. She also...

Jul 3, 2020

What is a quick stress management technique that you can apply anywhere at anytime? How can knowing your real truth help you with decision making?

Suzie sheds some light on a self reflection technique. She provides insight on how her relationship with her “one” has offered her an anchor within the last few months....